Why Homework Should Be Banned? – A Moot Question

Why Homework Should Be Banned? – A Moot Question

Homework has been a cause of dread and panic throughout most of our academic life, over generations. You often wonder whether homework should be banned but while the debate goes on, you call always count on various homework assignment help. Here are some hints on where to look for help.

Free online help
Nowadays, internet is the biggest source of homework help, as the net has got posts on almost everything on earth. Help with homework online ranges from free assistance to paid helps. Free assistance and helps are offered by different student resource sites run by reputed universities and colleges. There also are a number of free government educational sites offering this service to students. These sites generally provide a solution or an approach to the problem but don’t write the assignment for the student. It is best to treat these sites as a useful resource. Assignments which has a definite answer or a solution, like math or geometry homework help or science homework help is best sought from these sites.

Homework help lines
Phone services or homework help lines are also another way of getting help. Several colleges, universities and other educational institutions offer free assistance over phone. You can call the number and ask the question or message the question. There also are special help lines for mathematics and its related disciplines and other science subjects.

Video sites and DIY
Several video hosting sites provide numerous ‘do it yourself’ videos which are of immense help to the students, along with solutions to problems and tutorials. They provide substantial resources to students of different level.

Smart phone applications
Numerous applications available for your smart phone provide a solution for your problems. One needs to type or send a photo of the question and the solution or answer will be sent back in no time. However all of these applications might not be free.

Study circle
Forming or joining a study circle is a cost effective and highly beneficial idea to get homework help. The collaborative and the sharing nature of such a group ensure that the answers and solutions are worked out easily between the group. Be careful in selecting the proper group before joining or the proper people before forming a group.

Professional online help
This is the easiest of all other helps in terms of convenience and availability. There are numerous agencies on the net that would write the entire assignment on your brief and deliver it online. You only need to make a payment to the agency and submit the assignment. However you have to carefully select the agency to ensure quality and maintaining deadline. It is better to look for agencies which

  • Allow communication with the writer throughout the process
  • Allows one to choose a writer from a pool.
  • Has positive user reviews
  • Provides guarantees on plagiarism and delivery.
  • Has a round the clock helpline
  • Has a relaxed revision policy
  • Offers proof reading and language and grammar correction.

Home work help has shifted from the traditional help from parents and family to professional agencies where a voice and a data connection is necessary. Definitely it pays to evaluate the assignment and then decide on the type of help you would seek. In case of commissioning professional agencies it is imperative that you check the efficiency of the agency before clicking the ‘do my homework’ button.

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